Physical therapy - types and effects
Physical therapy - types and effects
Physical therapy involves a method of treatment for problems that limit movement, making any movements and performing daily activities, which impairs productivity and quality of life. Physiotherapy produces effects that relieve pain and facilitate the functioning of the entire locomotor system, especially when it comes to back pain, tennis elbow, occasional foot pain or unpleasant shoulder pain.
Considering the complexity of the locomotor system, the problems that arise in its functioning are diverse, which has caused the complication of physical therapy, which is applied differently depending on the type of problem.
Physical therapy in all its forms
Along with the diagnosis made by the physiatrist, instructions for a specific type of physical therapy that will optimally affect the patient's condition, with the presence and control of the physiotherapist, are attached. In relation to the physical agents applied by physiotherapy, electrotherapy, kinesitherapy, sonotherapy, magnetotherapy, phototherapy, laser, thermotherapy, cryotherapy and hydrotherapy differ.
Electrotherapy is a type of physiotherapy during which, for the purpose of treatment, some forms of electrical energy are applied. Electrotherapy has many different forms.
When it comes to swelling, removal of a part of the body, rheumatic or painful conditions, a one-way constant current is applied that acts on the tissue between the placed electrodes. This procedure in electrotherapy is known as galvanization.
Electrophoresis of drugs is a type of introduction of drugs into the body through constant direct current, which allows the drug to reach the place of injury or inflammation in the shortest possible time. In this way, a high concentration of drugs and their prolonged effect is achieved.
Diadynamic currents are another popular form of electrotherapy, and they enable the reduction of edema and hematoma. They represent various modulations of the impulsive flow of galvanic current in terms of shape, frequency and amplitude. They have a strong analgesic effect that is achieved quickly and lasts for several hours.
TENS (transcutaneous electro-neuro stimulation) is extremely effective in reducing pain because it allows the patient to control chronic or acute pain, and therefore to reduce the use of analgesics without any negative consequences. Back pain, headaches, distortion and contusion and migraines are just some of the examples that are recommended to be treated with the TENS method.
Interference or crossed currents produce an interference effect that occurs in tissue when two independent circuits cross. With the use of a vacuum, a stronger and better stimulation of the blood flow is achieved, which reduces the pain caused by insufficient oxygen flow. This method of treatment is used for all degenerative rheumatic diseases of large joints such as the hip, knee and shoulder, as well as for cervical and lumbar syndromes. This is a particularly useful method for patients who have metal implants, which is why they cannot receive any other type of current.
Electrostimulation involves electrical stimulation of exactly determined intensity, frequency and duration, with the aim of stimulating muscle contraction in paretic muscles that do not function normally for certain reasons.
Electrotherapy with special gloves
This type of electrotherapy includes direct contact between the therapist and the patient, where a mild manual massage is performed during the treatment. The contact surface is easily adaptable to the surface, and it is also possible to regulate the intensity of the electroprocedure by pressing on the skin or increasing the treated surface.
The main instruments of kinesitherapy are movements, the execution of which by the therapist, or the patient himself, achieves a significant improvement in the condition of the diseased part of the body. The movements are precisely designed and systematized so that they act on a specific group of muscles, while at the same time giving strength to the entire locomotor system, which becomes more mobile, stable and healthy over time.
This type of therapy also involves performing exercises with or without resistance, which are particularly effective when it comes to various diseases of the locomotor system. Kinesitherapy can be practiced in hospital or home patient care.
Application of acoustic energy for the purpose of treatment is called sonotherapy. Therapy involves the manipulation of sound for the purpose of treatment. This (ultra) sound cannot be heard by the human ear, because it is at a lower frequency than 16 Hz, more precisely, it is usually between 0.75 and 3 MHz, so it is called ultrasound.
Sonotherapy is applied by covering the problematic part of the body with a gel that enables the normal functioning of the device, and then the ultrasound head is placed and gently moved over the diseased part.
The strength of the frequency is adjusted according to the disease, so the ultrasound can have a lower or higher power of penetrating through the skin. The effects of sonotherapy accelerate the healing of torn tendons and ligaments, and also relieve pain. This therapy is often used for fractures, because depending on the strength of the frequency, ultrasound waves can reach the bones, and the consequence is their faster healing.
Post-traumatic conditions due to injury to soft tissues, muscles and ligaments, conditions after bone fractures, sports injuries, Dipitren's contracture, edemas and hematomas, neuralgias and scars are just some of the cases in which it is desirable to apply sonotherapy.
Magnetotherapy is a type of physical therapy used in the treatment of osteoporosis, fracture, contracture, sports injuries, rheumatic diseases, psoriasis and radiculopathy. It works by reducing pain when a magnetic field is centered on the diseased area. The great advantage of magnetotherapy is that it can also be used in patients who have metal implanted in their body, which is most often the case during hip or knee surgery.
Contrary to the advantages it has in the mentioned cases, magnetic therapy should be avoided in patients who have an implanted pacemaker, suffer from a cancerous disease or are prone to bleeding and inflammatory processes in the body.
The length and intensity of magnetic therapy is determined individually, according to the specifics of each patient's illness. During the treatment, magnetic fields can be applied separately, together or alternately. In any case, thanks to the low frequency, the tissues are gently treated and thus encouraged to regenerate faster.
Phototherapy is a physical therapy that uses light, more precisely ultraviolet waves of the solar spectrum obtained from an artificial source. Exposure to this kind of radiation must be strictly controlled by a doctor or expert. Phototherapy is most often used in the treatment of psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, eczema, parapsoriasis and other similar diseases. The intensity of phototherapy is determined according to the type of disease, and the preparation for phototherapy includes an examination by a dermatologist who determines the phototype of the skin.
Za vreme trajanja tretmana, pacijent stoji u kabini i nosi zaštitne naočare koje su obavezne tokom zračenja. Posle tretmana je moguća pojava crvenila na koži i blagog peckanja, što se tretira kao normalna posledica fototerapije. Dovoljno je primeniti sredstvo za umirivanje kože, nakon čega iritacija nestaje.
During the treatment, the patient stands in the cabin and wears protective glasses, which are mandatory during radiation. After the treatment, the appearance of redness on the skin and a slight burning sensation is possible, which is treated as a normal consequence of phototherapy. It is enough to apply a skin soothing agent, after which the irritation disappears.
Physical therapy with laser
Ova vrsta terapije se izvodi emitovanjem malih laserskih zraka putem plastičnih sondi koje se pričvršćuju na bolno mesto. Terapija je potpuno bezbolna, iritacije ne postoje, a sve što pacijenti osećaju je povremeno, blago peckanje tokom samog tretmana. Laseroterapija se primenjuje kada su problem bolovi u leđima, vratu, mišićima, kao i kod zapaljenja kostiju i tkiva. Efektna je i kod istegnuća, uvrtanja i uganuća zglobova.
This type of therapy is performed by emitting small laser beams through plastic probes that are attached to the painful area. The therapy is completely painless, there are no irritations, and all patients feel is an occasional, mild burning sensation during the treatment itself. Laser therapy is used when the problem is pain in the back, neck, muscles, as well as inflammation of bones and tissues. It is also effective for stretching, twisting and spraining joints.
The intensity and duration of laser therapy depend on the state of health and the severity of the injury. In most cases, several treatments are needed to improve the condition and first positive effects.
Thermotherapy involves treatment with heat, through the use of healing mud, sand, water, heat lamps or high-frequency laser radiation that is converted into heat energy.
The main purpose of this type of treatment is the stimulation of the organism and the expansion of blood vessels, and the heat that patients feel is pleasant, while unpleasant burning is completely excluded as a possibility.
The temperature at which the body is heated is usually between 50 and 60 degrees Celsius, and the total duration of the treatment is about twenty minutes. This treatment is not recommended for those who have bleeding, suffer from heart, lung or malignant diseases. Arthritis, fracture, sprain and spondylosis are some of the conditions during which it is desirable to apply terotherapy.
While many types of physical therapy have an effect on the expansion of blood vessels, the exact opposite happens with the application of cryotherapy. Its main function is the narrowing of blood vessels, and its optimal effect is achieved in acute conditions and inflammation, where it reduces the feeling of pain and swelling.
Cryotherapy can be performed in several different ways, and some of them involve submerging the whole body in ice water, ice massage or applying a special spray on the body. It is most often used for fresh injuries and fractures, while athletes are its most frequent users. The reason is that cryotherapy quickly stops bleeding, reduces swelling and the feeling of pain.
This type of physical therapy involves treating the body with water, that is, an underwater massage that stimulates the body and improves the condition of the entire locomotor system. It is very effective in treating sports injuries, improving circulation and alleviating various pains. The therapy is carried out by the therapist directing the jet of water to precisely defined parts of the body, until the entire body is massaged under the influence of the jet of water. Hydrotherapy usually lasts about 30 minutes, and is an excellent form of relaxation for athletes and manual workers.
Each of the mentioned types of physical therapy is precisely designed, and their application can only be considered in the presence of a doctor or physiotherapist. The optimal effect is achieved exclusively by the doctor's instructions and by following the advice of physiotherapists, who are our main allies in the fight against locomotor diseases.