Physical therapy | Services
Review by a specialist pulmonologist-pneumophthisiologist
Control examination by a specialist doctor
Field examination by a specialist pulmonologist-pneumophthisiologist
Expert opinion -
Consular examination - 3 or 4 doctors
Bronchodilator (
Bronchoprovocative test with histamine or methacholine
Allergological skin tests for inhalant allergens
Allergological skin tests for nutritional allergens
PPD test with reading
Determination of diffusion capacity for CO and spirometry
Measurement of nitrogen oxides in exhaled air
Test 6 – minute walk
Diagnosis of sleep apnea
MDCT (scanner) of the chest without i.v. contrast
MDCT (scanner) of the chest with i.v. by contrast
MDCT (scanner) pulmonary angiography
Pleural puncture (thoracentesis)
Pleural biopsy
Examination by a cardiologist
Ultrasound of the heart (Echocardiography)
Examination by a cardiologist with an ultrasound of the heart
24h Holter ECG
24h Holter pressure
24h Holter pressure and ECG
Examination by a cardiologist with ultrasound and holter
Control examination within a month
TTE Bubble test
Sleep apnea
Specialist examination
Examination by a specialist doctor - the first Screening
Examination by a specialist doctor - control
Hospital all-night cardiorespiratory polygraphy
Home all-night cardiorespiratory polygraphy
Indication of therapy
Interpretation of results
Screening for the presence of sleep-disordered breathing
Oniris® dental prosthesis with specialist examination
Polyvitamin infusions
Home care for the elderly
Care of the sick at home
Baby and maternity home care
Physiotherapist services at home
Patrol service
Overview with adjustment of ventilation parameters
Control check
Control inspection with gas analysis
General overview of the intensivist
Tracheostomy cannula replacement
Dressing decubitus wounds
Dressing of decubitus wounds and ulcers with the use of Granulox topically
Acupuncture treatment
Complete examination of the ear, throat and nose in children and adults
Rinsing the ears
Care of the sick
Diaper change
Catheter placement - first catheterization
Catheter replacement
Dressing of a decubitus wound - small, medium, large
Dressing ulcers on the extremities
Postoperative wound dressing
Stoma care (urostomy, nephrostomy, ileostomy, colostomy, tracheostomy)
Lip cavity care
Administering i.v. injections
Administration of i.m. injections
Administering i.v. infusions (service + drugs and solutions)
12-hour daily duty of nurses in home conditions
12-hour night duty of nurses in home conditions
Home baby care
Care of newborns
Navel treatment and toilet
Bathing and skin care of the newborn
Swaddling and dressing newborns
Care of babies and children up to 3 years old
Maternity home care
Maternity breast care and pampering
Professional breast and nipple care
Breast massage
Removal of milk stagnation in the milk ducts by manual smearing or with a pump
Help in the treatment of mastitis (inflammation of the breast)
Episiotomy care
Care after caesarean section
First examination by a general practitioner
Control examination by a general practitioner
First examination by a doctor, specialist in general medicine (including ECG, pulse oximetry, blood sugar measurement)
The first examination by a doctor, a specialist in general medicine, of a patient who requires palliative care
Control examination by a doctor, general medicine specialist (includes interpretation of laboratory findings)
Consultative examination of doctors, specialists of other branches of medicine
Recording and reading of ECG
Reading laboratory findings
Spirometric examination and interpretation of findings
Arterial puncture for gas analysis
Assessment of the type and severity of pain and prescription/adjustment of pain therapy
Administration of human albumin in home conditions - mandatory presence of a doctor during the transfusion
Administration of Mannitol - mandatory presence of a doctor during the infusion
Accompanying the doctor during patient transport
Complete neurological examination
Scales used to supplement examinations in patients with ALS
Control within a month
Consultations without an examination
Free consultations
For free consultations, please call us or send an SMS, Viber or WhatsApp message every working day from 8 am to 5 pm.