Pulmo Sleep Center Eliksir

Pulmo Sleep Center Eliksir | Professional breast and nipple care

Professional breast and nipple care

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Professional breast and nipple care

Professional care of the mother's breasts and nipples is especially important for breastfeeding women, in order to prevent skin injuries, irritations and infections. During breastfeeding, the breasts go through many changes, and improper breastfeeding technique or insufficient hygiene can cause pain, swelling, sores and mastitis. Professional care includes advice and treatments that help maintain breast health, maintain skin elasticity, and treat potential nipple problems.

How is it done?

Professional care includes education on proper breastfeeding technique, which is essential to prevent nipple damage and discomfort. In addition, experts can advise on the maintenance of breast and nipple hygiene, regular cleaning (with warm water) and the application of suitable moisturizing creams and ointments. In the case of rashes or infections, a doctor or lactation consultant can recommend special treatments and medicines that do not harm the baby. Also, professionals may recommend wearing appropriate clothing and bras that provide comfort and support.

Duration of service

Professional breast and nipple care lasts throughout the breastfeeding period, and can be extended if problems such as sores, infections or pain arise. Breastfeeding specialists provide continuous support until the mother-to-be achieves the desired recovery and breastfeeding comfort, and for more serious nipple problems, treatment may take longer.


Why is professional breast and nipple care important?

Proper care helps prevent and treat nipple damage, soreness and infection, especially in nursing mothers with sensitive skin.

Is special equipment used for breast and nipple care?

Yes, special preparations and protective dressings are used that protect the skin and help in the recovery of warts.

Is it necessary to use creams or compresses for warts?

For sensitive nipples, special creams or protective wraps are recommended, which facilitate recovery and protect against additional irritation.

How to prevent nipple damage during breastfeeding?

Correct placement of the baby on the breast and use of appropriate preparations help prevent damage.


Professional breast and nipple care

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