Wound treatment and vasculature
Wound treatment and vasculature
A vaculator is an apparatus that we could otherwise call a hyperbaric chamber, in which positive and negative pressure alternate. All of this has the aim of acting and acting on the blood vessels, so that circulation is improved.
Blood vessels become more elastic with the use of vasculators, because it acts on those that are narrowed and in spasm or spasm, and they relax, expand and blood passes through them better.
If you are thinking about whether you might be a candidate for the application of a vasculator, then you should know that this diagnosis can only be made by a doctor who has expertise in the human cardiovascular system. Therefore, after establishing the correct diagnosis, it is seen whether there are any indications for the use of this device.
It should be emphasized that the vasculator is often used by people who do such a job that they sit or stand for a long time, or spend a lot of time in the same position without moving. It can be a plane ride or a bus ride, which lasts many hours continuously.
In the same way, the vasculator is used by perfectly healthy people, such as athletes, and the treatment helps them get better muscle tone, as well as improve circulation in the arms and legs.
Sometimes the vasculator is also used preventively, for example, when certain medications are taken, and where there is a predisposition to the formation of edema on the legs.
The diabetic foot is one case where a vasculator can help. Namely, this is one of the complications of diabetes or diabetes. Wounds appear on the foot and it becomes deformed, and if not treated adequately, the result can be amputation of the foot.
Seven to eight percent of the world's population suffers from diabetes, more than two thirds of all amputations are performed on diabetics.
Therefore, diabetes should be taken as a very serious illness, and treated according to all the doctor's advice. If you have a diabetic foot, treatment on a vasculator could give good results. However, know in advance that depending on the condition, the treatment may take some time, so it is necessary to be patient and persistent.
If you suffer from diabetes for more than ten years, you can get diabetic foot.
The vasculature works on the feet, hands, upper arms and lower legs, and their soft tissues. It improves circulation in them and the elasticity of blood vessels. They alternately contract and expand, so this procedure is also called barogymnastics.
Better blood flow occurs in the arteries, so that the surrounding tissues and organs are better nourished. In general, circulation improves, which is extremely important.
Other changes that we will mention, in which the vasculator could be applied, are arthrosis, vascular ulceration of the skin, trophic ulceration of the skin, muscle atrophy, neuromuscular atrophy, muscle and bone disorders due to arthrosis, cellulite...
It is important to emphasize that the vasculator treatment is always performed by trained medical personnel, and in the presence of a specialist doctor. It is necessary to carry out all preliminary detailed examinations to determine that treatment with a vasulator is necessary, and that you do not have any contraindications for its application. All these opinions will be given by the competent doctor, after the examinations.
The vasculator will help strengthen blood vessels due to the action of various types of pressure, achieve their elasticity, remove spasm and improve general circulation in the treated parts of the body.