- Reduce the portions – This way the baby will see that he has a smaller meal than usual and will prefer to eat it. This is a great way to get your baby to eat a meal she doesn't like, and it's also a great choice when introducing new foods to your baby's diet.
- Camouflage food – Babies often refuse to eat something they haven't tried before, or food they don't like the taste of. Camouflage these foods by preparing them to look like the ones your baby likes. For example, if the baby likes mashed potatoes - make carrot puree.
- Give baby more options – If baby doesn't want to eat one porridge or meal, try another – they may want to eat there.
- Eat at the same time – Babies tend to imitate behavior, so they will be more likely to want to eat if they see you doing it at the same time. It is important that you make an effort so that the baby sees you eating when she eats too, there is a high probability that then she will also want food.
How to make the feeding process easier for the baby?
- Feed the baby from your lap - Use this more often in the early months, because later the baby needs to learn to sit at the table. The baby will feel more secure in your lap and this trick will probably work if he refuses to eat from his chair or stroller.
- Let your baby eat on their own – around 8-9 months, babies will want to feed themselves and will refuse to eat if you feed them. Let them try on their own, but of course with your constant supervision and help.
- Make feeding more fun – Instead of getting annoyed that the baby refuses to eat and thus making feeding even more stressful for her – make it fun! Sing while feeding, or play with the spoon as if it were an airplane.
- Pay attention to the baby - eliminate from the area where the baby eats anything that distracts her: turn off the TV, put away the toys, etc. If the other household members are not eating at the same time - ask them to leave the room.
How to avoid frequent feeding mistakes?
- Don't start feeding your baby solids too early - most babies under 6 months aren't ready for solids. Do not force this if the baby is not ready
- The baby needs to be hydrated - It is important for the baby to be hydrated in order to have a healthy appetite and to know the difference between hunger and thirst.
- If none of the tricks and tips worked - do not push - instead of forcing the baby to eat, after you have applied all the tips, it is much better to give up and try again after a while.
- Do not introduce several new foods at the same time – Gradually introduce new foods and meals to your baby's diet, never at the same time.
Why won't the baby eat?
Babies and toddlers often refuse food for various reasons, and they can't tell us what the problem is. If none of the above tips help, think about why your baby doesn't want to eat and apply some of the above tips:
The baby is not hungry
The baby is simply not hungry - he was full during the previous meal and does not need another meal.
You will recognize this by the fact that the baby refuses food once, and you have not had these problems before, and at the same time, her last meal was larger and more caloric than usual.
Tip: It is important that your baby has clearly defined periods for feeding during the day, which you should establish over time and in this way create a frequency of feeding so that the baby is never hungry, but also so that it does not overeat.
The baby becomes picky
At some point, the baby will begin to develop its "taste" in terms of nutrition, so it will begin to refuse food that it does not like. You will recognize this by the fact that the baby refuses the same foods, while he wants to eat others.
Tip: Often the baby will refuse the very food it needs for healthy growth and development, which contains vitamins, minerals and fiber and is important to eat. Try researching baby recipes to change the taste and texture, while keeping the composition the same and healthy.
The baby has a cold
If the baby has a cold, his appetite will be less. You will recognize it by symptoms such as fever, runny nose, sleeping more, etc.
Tip: it is completely normal for a baby to have a reduced appetite and to have less need for food when it has a cold. Try to give her food with high nutritional and vitamin value in reduced portions.
The baby is allergic to some food
If the baby constantly refuses one particular food, and eats the others without any problems - it is very likely that he does not like that food and that it is an allergy.
Tip: Consult a pediatrician.
If you need any help when it comes to baby care, Eliksir offers home care services for both mothers and babies. Our expert medical staff will be happy to help you improve your baby's nutrition, but also with other elements essential for your baby's health.