What does recovery from cesarean section look like and how long does it take
What does recovery from cesarean section look like and how long does it take
Childbirth, whether through vaginal delivery or cesarean section, represents a certain strain and burden on the entire body. However, the human body is naturally designed for such a challenge, as at the moment of delivery, the uterus, muscles, ligaments, and hormones work together and in sync to safely bring the baby into the world.
However, the type of delivery affects the speed of recovery. For example, cesarean section delivery, although painless and quick, is still a serious surgery and requires a significantly longer recovery time compared to natural vaginal delivery.
In the following text, learn everything about recovery from a cesarean section, as well as the proper postpartum care after a cesarean delivery. Zdravstvena nega Eliksir cares for mothers as well as other patients who need home care and assistance.
What is a cesarean section and how does it work?
A cesarean section involves a surgical procedure that consists of making an incision in the abdomen and uterus, and delivering the baby through that incision. The cesarean section can be planned or emergency. A planned cesarean is scheduled when it is known in advance that vaginal delivery is not possible. An emergency cesarean occurs when complications arise during labor that make it too dangerous to complete the delivery vaginally.
In our region, the percentage of women giving birth by cesarean section is around 30%, and has been increasing over the years. The cesarean section is a quick and painless process as it is done under anesthesia, but it involves opening the abdominal cavity and therefore carries a higher risk for the mother compared to vaginal delivery.
What are the possible consequences of a cesarean section?
This procedure has advanced over the years and in modern medicine, the chances of unwanted reactions and consequences after a cesarean are increasingly reduced. However, caution is necessary as this method of delivery is less safe than vaginal delivery due to the higher risk of infection, severe bleeding, injury to internal organs, thromboembolism, etc.
Another drawback of this type of delivery is that you stay in the hospital longer compared to vaginal delivery, and the recovery from a cesarean section takes significantly longer than recovery after vaginal delivery.
Cesarean section recovery – what does it involve and how long does it take?
Recovery from a cesarean section requires more intensive monitoring and rest. While in the hospital, the mother’s temperature and blood pressure are measured every morning and afternoon, and immediately after surgery, this is done much more frequently.
After a cesarean section, prevention is crucial to avoid complications such as circulation disorders, pulmonary embolism, postpartum pneumonia… These are potential postoperative complications that can arise due to necessary bed rest.
Preparation for delivery is very important, and what is essential after delivery is to start light exercises to improve circulation immediately after the cesarean, which can be done even while lying down in bed.
By the second day after delivery, the mother will need to get up and start walking to avoid the risk of thrombosis. If the mother experiences dizziness, it may be due to a lack of iron. Therefore, communication with nurses and doctors is important so they can respond promptly.
The bowels begin to function after 24 hours and gas is a common and expected occurrence after surgery. If the mother experiences a bowel obstruction or bloating, it is important to report this immediately to the nurse or doctor for timely assistance.
Cesarean section – recovery at home
Discharge from the hospital can generally be expected around the fifth day, while stitches need to be removed by a gynecologist after seven to ten days, depending on the doctor's advice. Once at home, the most important thing is to rest as much as possible. This is the only way to ensure a fast recovery.
Additionally, good organization is important, meaning everything needed for the baby should be within reach or have someone to help with more complicated tasks, such as bathing the baby. After stitches are removed, the mother can bathe normally and apply a cream to the cesarean scar for faster healing.
It is important to note that in the first month after delivery, one should not carry the baby or lift anything too heavy, but light walking is allowed. It is recommended to rest and relax as much as possible. New mothers after a cesarean section should avoid household chores, prolonged standing, exercise, and long car trips.
Regarding cesarean section recovery, diet is also important, with regular meals that do not overly strain the stomach. Continued intake of vitamin and mineral supplements, as during pregnancy, is also advised.
Recovery from a cesarean section that requires rest usually lasts up to six weeks, but a check-up with the gynecologist is the most accurate indicator of how well the body has recovered. Therefore, it is important for mothers to always follow medical advice and take care of themselves to properly recover and focus on their baby.